Transformers winding

 The turns ratio of a transformer is the number of turns on the primary winding divided by the number of turns on the secondary windingThe turns ratio determines whether a transformer is step-up or step-down, and affects the voltage and current required on the secondary winding:

  • Step-up transformer
    The secondary voltage is higher than the primary voltage, and the current steps down.
  • Step-down transformer
    The secondary voltage is lower than the primary voltage, and the current steps up. 
Transformer Voltage Ratio - Inst Tools
To calculate the turns ratio, divide the higher number by the lower number. For example, if the primary has 600 turns and the secondary has 120 turns, the turns ratio is 600/120. 
You can use a transformer winding calculator to calculate the turns ratio, primary and secondary full-load currents, and the type of transformer


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