Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller

Last Updated : 25 Apr, 2023

Introduction –

8051 is one of the first and most popular microcontrollers also known as MCS-51. Intel introduced it in the year 1981. Initially, it came out as an N-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (NMOS) based microcontroller, but later versions were based on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) technology. These microcontrollers were named 80C51,

where C in the name tells that it is based on CMOS technology. It is an 8-bit microcontroller which means the data bus is 8-bit. Therefore, it can process 8 bits at a time. It is used in a wide variety of embedded systems like robotics, remote controls, the automotive industry, telecom applications, power tools, etc. 

It is referred to as a System on a Chip (SoC) microcontroller because it is a chip circuit/integrated circuit that holds many components of a computer together on a single chip. These components include a CPU, memory, input-output ports(I/O ports), timers, and secondary storage. Features – There are some key features of 8051 that work as a foundation for students to learn microcontrollers. 

8051 μc family member –

8051 μc have some family members 8052 microcontroller & 8031 microcontroller. 8052μc has 8K bytes of on-chip program ROM instead of 4K bytes, and 128 bytes of RAM. and 8031μc has 0K bytes of on-chip program ROM, and 128 bytes of RAM.


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