Engine (ICE) Vehicle

Electric Vehicle (EV)

High specific energy fuel

Low specify energy of battery

Emits greenhouse gases

No tailpipe emissions

Travels >600km / fill

Travels <250km / charge

Short refilling time (<5 min.)

Long charging time (0.5 to 8 hrs.)

Fuel tank takes relatively little space

Battery takes large space

Fuel weight is low

Batteries are very heavy

Higher maintenance cost

Lower maintenance cost

Braking energy is not recovered

Can recover braking energy

Running cost: high

Running cost: low

Energy efficiency: 30%

Motor efficiency: 80%

Needs complex gear system

Needs only one gear

Noisy operation

Quiet operation

Ample refilling infrastructure

Lacks charging infrastructure

Need to pick up speed to deliver maximum torque

Produces maximum torque

Uses only hydrocarbons

Uses electricity from many sources


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