Medical Applications of Nanorobotic Systems

 Nanorobotic Systems can have various potential uses in the healthcare system. Currently, the conceivable uses are for diagnosis, treatment, and surgery, and research is going on to get the desired result in the respective fields. With technological advancement, nanorobotics is expected to have several new medical applications and are expected to bring major transformations in cancer treatment, diabetes monitoring, wound-healing (regenerative medicine), dentistry, and blood monitoring (blood clot), among several others.

Nanorobotics comprises various nanoscale size components, and each of the components can be built to carry out a specific function. The different components can perform tasks such as sensing, actuating, signaling, processing information, or exhibiting swarm behavior at the nanoscale level. For example, in the case of diagnostics and screening, the ultimate aim is to reach an area in the body where passive nanoparticles cannot go. The Nanorobotic can be used as a contrast agent for the imaging of a particular area of the body.

Similarly, the Nanorobotic can carry a drug and molecule to a particular location of interest in the body. Also, with the help of Nanorobotics, the drug can be administered in a more organized way to a small targeted region. In the case of serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease, Nanorobotics can play a critical role in targeting the cancer cells and delivering more optimized treatments for various cardiovascular diseases. As of now, applications of Nanorobotics are in the research phase, and none of the systems has made it to the clinic phases. Nanorobotics is an exciting and promising field of research and is currently in the nascent stage. With the ongoing active research in the domain and investment by prominent healthcare companies, Nanobots are expected to make it to clinical use in the future.


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